Premium Amenities

Whether you’re in the mood to socialize, soak up some rays, wine and dine, find your zen, or sweat it out. The first-class amenities at One Greenway have you covered.

Elevated City Living

Elegant living room lobby

24/7 state-of-the-art fitness center and yoga studio

Outdoor Terrace

Exceptional Extras

Underground parking, bike storage and electric car charging

Variety of curated resident events

Conference room and quiet lounge

APM Coffee

Peace of Mind

Best-in-class on-site property management & maintenance

Full-service concierge available onsite 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide you assistance whenever you need it

Pet Friendly Perks

$75.00 per dog, $50 pet cat, maximum of 2 pets per apartment

Pet spa and dog wash

Pet-friendly events and always greeted with a treat at the concierge desk


What our residents say…

Best apartment ever!
I've lived at One Greenway since September 2015, and the Bozzuto team has been and continues to be attentive, responsive and helpful with everything. Every request has been responded to quickly. The concierges are helpful and friendly. Alex, the lead concierge is the best!!!! Moving in was a breeze. The other tenants are super friendly. You can't beat the location either.

Brenda G.

RESIDENT SINCE September 2015

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